Meeting 2nd Sunday afternoons starting in June with real conversations, light food, and drinks (Please be prepared to pay for your own items). This is a non-religious club led by one Christian and one non-believing individual who are real-life friends. As The Assembly, we choose to participate in this local event in order to seek truth, wholeness, and friendship with those in our neighborhood who are outside of our own faith and life perspective. We believe we need to enter into the tense conversations of our neighborhood with humility and listening hearts with a goal of only friendship, not evangelism, so that we may learn how to be more like Christ Jesus and be filled with love for our neighbor.
A Kids Club will also be available for those with children- a snack, board games, as well as, arts & crafts.
Join us on the 2nd Sunday of the month, 3 pm at Prufrock Coffee: 5168 North College Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46205